Configuration for Loxone

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You can integrate the Gateway into your own Loxone system. There are two methods to do this. The most simple method is to use the Restful API of the Gateway to send and retrieve data via simple HTTP. Alternatively you can use MQTT and Loxberry.


With the new API V3 some actions need a HTTP POST/PUT instead of HTTP GET. See below on how to use a HTTP POST in Loxone to control boiler parameters. Some images below use the syntax from the old API. This does not work anymore. See the description for the proper syntax.

Both methods are described below.

Many thanks to Martin for writing up the guide.

Using the Restful API for HTTP

As of firmware version 2.1 the Gateway supports a HTTP Restful API that Loxone can directly communicate with. See the EMS-ESP HTTP API [1] page.

virtual inputs

First, create virtual HTTP input and then virtual HTTP input commands.

Loxone config 1

You can check all available parameters with the command:


You can replace ‘boiler’ with any device you have and EMS-ESP supports (thermostat, mixer etc). ‘[ems-esp-ip]’ is the IP address of the Gateway.

For instance to see the JSON output of the values of your system:

Loxone config 2

Fill the configuration of virtual input we just added. Replace [your-ip] with your actual Gateway IP address and set the polling cycle and other params as you wish. Now, add virtual inputs (with ‘virtual HTTP input command’, while the virtual input is selected). Add a separate input for each information you want to have in Loxone.

Parsing individual information from the API (/api/boiler/info) is a little tricky. The structure should be something like this:

  "heatingActive": "0",
  "tapwaterActive": "1",
  "selFlowTemp": 85,
  "selBurnPow": 100,
  "curBurnPow": 55,
  "pumpMod": 89,

To read “heatingActive” your Command recognition should be

\i"heatingActive": "\i\v

See the documentation. For example


means skip SomeText and read value that follows. Notice that binary parameters (heatingActive, tapwaterActive) have quoted values, while analog (selFlowTemp…) do not. This has to be taken into account in the command recognition.

Loxone config 3

To convert work time from minutes to days, hours and minutes, you can use combination of modulo and status. Upper modulo AI2 param is 1440, lower modulo AI2 param is 60 and the status text formula is

<v1/1440>d <v2/60>h <v3>m

Virtual outputs

Create virtual output, and fill in your EMS-ESP IP address.

Loxone config 4

Create ‘Virtual Output Command’ for each variable you want to send from Loxone to EMS-ESP. Flowtemp is for setting requested Heating temperature. Make sure your VOC is not set as digital. Optionally set a Repetition Interval. Some boilers (such as Junkers) will revert back to default settings after certain period of time, so the command has to be send repeatedly.

Loxone config 5

To control flowtemp from Loxone, you can create a Selection switch and connect it to flowtemp VOC as on first image, or integrate it in your automation however you desire.


If you have comnfigured it correctly, you should now see something like this in your Loxone:

Loxone config 6

Using HTTP POST for controlling parameters

As a security measure, to control parameters of your system you cannot use HTTP GET. Instead you have to use HTTP POST together with an access token to control the parameters. See the EMS-ESP HTTP API [1].

You can get the access token in the EMS-ESP settings in the Security panel. Click on the key icon on the user row. Then you will get a pop up where you can copy the token.

In the body fill in the actual command.

Loxone POST setting

HTTP header for this action:

Loxone POST header

Replace YOURKEY with the access key from EMS-ESP.

Additional Pi with Loxberry

Alternatively Loxberry with the MQTT plugin can be used instead of the Restful API.

First setup a Raspberry Pi with Loxberry OS. This can be downloaded from the Lox Wiki [2].

It has a fairly straightforward configuration, well described in their wiki.

Then you’ll need to add the Loxberry MQTT Gateway plugin [3].

In the settings, just make sure to tick ‘expand JSON data’ and ‘convert booleans’. No need to change anything else.

MQTT Loxone option selection

Further plugin settings

On the subscriptions page you want to subscribe to topic ‘ems-esp/#’.

On the EMS-ESP update MQTT settings fill in your Loxberry IP; Port will be the default one 1883 (the other ports mentioned in Loxberry MQTT settings are used for communication with Loxone); And finally the username and password (these can be found on the Loxberry MQTT settings page).

MQTT Loxone settings

Now you should see the messages from ems-esp on loxberry MQTT ‘Incoming Overview’ page.

Getting data into Loxone

To get the data to Loxone, there is a good video tutorial on the Loxberry MQTT Gateway plugin [3] page.

In Loxone, you’ll have to create virtual inputs, name them exactly the same as the Loxberry ‘Miniserver Virtual Input’ name in the messages overview (e.g. ‘kotel_boiler_data_UBAuptime’) and Loxberry will take care of updating the values in miniserver.

MQTT structure

See Proddy’s EMS-ESP Wiki [4] for all the details on MQTT.