Configuration for ioBroker

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The software adapter for ioBroker, written by tp1de, supports the KM200 adapter and the EMS-ESP interface with version > 3.1.x. (The old ESP8266 Gateways are not supported anymore.) The EMS-ESP adapter can read and write data from the km200 gateway and/or the EMS-ESP hardware.

The EMS-ESP adapter reads values from the hardware EMS-bus with installed EMS-ESP hardware and the adapter is using the REST API V3 interface. The ‘Enable API write commands’ setting within EMS-ESP has to be enabled for writing values.


The adapter uses the Restful API V3 which is only available on EMS-ESP32 (for ESP32 and ESP32-S3 based Gateways like the S3, S32 and E32). If you want to use this adapter with f.i. the Gateway Premium II you first have to update the Gateway chip to an ESP32. See this page HERE on how to upgrade.

See the ioBroker.ems-esp repository on Github [1] on how to install and use the adapter.