***************************************** Adding heating circuits to Home Assistant ***************************************** With the preconfigured YAML you only get support for thermostats of heating circuit 1 (HC1). However, lots of systems have a thermostat coupled to another heating circuit. To add support for more circuits add the following code to climate.yaml: .. code-block:: yaml - platform: mqtt name: Thermostat HC2 modes: - "auto" - "heat" - "off" mode_command_topic: "home/ems-esp/thermostat_cmd_mode2" temperature_command_topic: "home/ems-esp/thermostat_cmd_temp2" mode_state_topic: "home/ems-esp/thermostat_data" current_temperature_topic: "home/ems-esp/thermostat_data" temperature_state_topic: "home/ems-esp/thermostat_data" mode_state_template: "{% if value_json.hc2.mode == 'manual' %} heat {% else %} {{value_json.hc2.mode}} {% endif %}" current_temperature_template: "{{ value_json.hc2.currtemp }}" temperature_state_template: "{{ value_json.hc2.seltemp }}" temp_step: 0.5 The example above adds a thermostat for heating circuit 2. You can do the same for heating circuits 3 and 4 by replacing the '2' with a '3' or '4'. Restart Home Assistant after making the modifications.